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Client Intake with LeadPro

Stand out online and effortlessly turn more Leads into Clients with LeadPro, Smokeball’s Client Intake solution that captures, organises and tracks leads so you never miss an opportunity. Because Leads are cool, but clients are even cooler!

Stand out from the crowd, win more clients! 

In a world where everything is searchable online, competition for attention has never been stronger. That first interaction online can be the difference between winning or losing a client. Equip yourself with LeadPro Intake forms that you can brand, customize, and embed on your website, email signatures and even online ads to reach more leads where they are with an experience they won’t forget.

Double data entry, the (un)necessary evil 

We all wish it didn’t exist, but data capture is necessary. What isn’t, is doing things twice! LeadPro comes with pre-automated forms that are completely integrated with your firm’s workflows and all but cuts out that unbillable time you spend re-entering important Lead information into Smokeball.

No leads left behind! 

Quickly contacting fresh new leads can be a game changer to winning new clients, but manually keeping an up-to-date list of new enquiries takes time. LeadPro comes with an intuitive, customisable dashboard with real time updates on the number of new enquiries you have received and a list of leads that you need to follow up so you can strike while the iron’s hot!

Keeping score for success 

Decisions are better when driven by data. With LeadPro, you don’t have to be a data wizard to understand the Lead Management Reports that show you which leads are best for your firm.  Easily keep track of your wins and losses with so you can adjust your approach to win more.

Your entire firm. One seamless platform.